So what is "Dad Deficiency Disorder" & "DADD"?</H2><P dir="ltr">We didn’t identify it at the time, but in later years it stood out like a sore thumb. Our son was not only was dealing with the symptoms of being diagnosed with Childhood Depression, ADHD and ODD but also with what we coined ‘DDD’ Dad Deficiency Disorder! </P></DIV><DIV class="thrv_wrapper thrv-columns" style="--tcb-col-el-width:990;" data-css="tve-u-182001dbc6b"><DIV class="tcb-flex-row v-2 tcb--cols--2" style="" data-css="tve-u-1820017fe08"><DIV class="tcb-flex-col" data-css="tve-u-1820012e936" style=""><DIV class="tcb-col"><DIV class="thrv_wrapper thrv_text_element" style="" data-css="tve-u-182001d7a01"><P dir="ltr">I have more recently heard another similar and interesting acronym ‘DADD’ Dad Attention Deficit Disorder or ‘DADS’ Dad Attention Deficit Syndrome! </P><P dir="ltr">In my work as a <A href="" target="_blank" class="tve-froala fr-basic" style="outline: none;" data-css="tve-u-1820021bad9">Parenting Strategist</A> over the last 25 plus years I have seen so much evidence of the negative effects on relationships in the home from a Dad being deficient in the time and energy they give to their children. This is not to judge any Dad out there, but it does appear that in many instances this seems to be the case. I hear it so often directly from the stressed and overwhelmed Mums that I work with.</P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV class="tcb-flex-col"><DIV class="tcb-col"><DIV class="thrv_wrapper tve_image_caption" data-css="tve-u-18200131851" style=""><SPAN class="tve_image_frame"><IMG alt="" data-id="868" width="453" data-init-width="1920" height="302" data-init-height="1280" title="father-1633655_1920" loading="lazy" data-width="453" data-height="302" style="" data-css="tve-u-182001363bb" data-srcset=" 1920w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 600w" data-src="" data-sizes="(max-width: 453px) 100vw, 453px" class="tve_image wp-image-868 tcb-moved-image lazyload" src=""/></SPAN></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV class="thrv_wrapper thrv_text_element" data-css="tve-u-182002256ce" style=""><P dir="ltr">In saying that of course there are many awesome Dads, who give much time and effort to their <A href="" target="_blank" class="tve-froala fr-basic" style="outline: none;" data-css="tve-u-182007cb1f7">parenting</A> and their relationships with their children. In the parenting courses I conduct I have had some very actively involved Dads. Some of these Dad's are co-parenting in the home and some are co-parenting separately outside the home. In many instances I have both Mum's and Dad's who identify when things go awry, that they have neglected their relationships with their children and find themselves in sad and unfortunate situation where there is much resentment, disconnect and negativity all round